Sunday, July 17, 2011

Diet Log Week #4

For those who might be interested in the diet book I am using:

 It is cheat day again!
I ordered pizza from Papa John's and it was glorious! I had some ice cream, and some cake, and some cookies. Of course i had some chocolate milk, which is like crack, I swear I have withdrawals! I actually didn't eat all of the junk food that I had purchased, I need to maybe bring that level down just a little bit, so I don't waste any of my money on food that I end up not eating.

I actually worked out on my cheat day, I went for a nice walk/jog. It was quite steamy out that evening, so I had to cut it a little short, and I actually came back inside to get some water, before stepping back out. It felt good to get a sweat in, with a better schedule of work I would go walking more often, but after working 10-12 hours in a single day, I am just too tired to do all that much usually. I usually do little things such as squats, or wall presses, which are supposedly very good to help the sugar get burned up faster, or something along those lines. I try to incorporate more and more of the little things mentioned in the book, the next this will be to do some of the workouts he mentions in the book. I am doing a good job of working things in gradually.

I grilled some hamburgers this evening, I am just going to be eating them without buns, and maybe even make them into lettuce wraps. The burgers were very good, along with some steamed broccoli and smashed cauliflower.

I went out to eat with my dad, brother, and cousin. We went to a Mexican restaurant, which I thought would work well with my diet, but not so much for this specific restaurant. I got some food that I could eat, but the portion was really small. I had to stop at a Chipotle on my drive home, which was fine because I had only had 2 meals that day previously. My stomach just felt empty when I was still in Chipotle range. It was very satisfying, but I did realize that Chipotle is not as great without the rice. That rice provides a ton of flavor, where as the rice at Burrachos is not that flavorful, and the other ingredients that they have that are flavorful.

I started eating a few forkfuls of sauerkraut before each meal, which had been mentioned in the book. I felt that I had not been digesting as fast as I should have. I thought adding some sauerkraut could help with that. It will definitely help wake you up in the morning, you can trust me on that!

I had a great walk in the evening, it was still very humid but I did some running and some walking, the only problem was that I could not do it for too long of a time, that humidity just made it feel like I was wearing a suit of sweat, yuck!

I overslept today, but I would guess that extra sleep would benefit me on my diet, so oh well it is not that bad of a problem to have on my one day off.
This week's results:
Weight loss: 7.4 lbs
Lost 1 inch from my waist
Lost 1 inch from each of my thighs
Total inches lost 3

My overall losses:
Weight lost: 18.2lbs
total Inches lost: 13.5
4 inches from my belly
2 inches from my waist
5.5 inches from my thighs
And an inch from each of my biceps

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