Thursday, July 21, 2011

Movie Bracket

I have decided to create a bracket of movies to decide which movie is going to be my "favorite" movie.

I am going to judge the movies based upon the following characteristics:

Originality: I don't particularly like movies that do things just like all of the others, just because something is a sequel, or has source material, does not mean it is not original.

Rewatchability: I prefer movies that I can watch over and over, especially movies where I can notice new things each time I watch them.

Entertainment: This is how I usually quantify if I enjoy a movie, this is the reason that Transformers 2 was a bad movie, it just was not entertaining.

Remember these ratings are my own, and as movie taste goes, it is always subjective. I am always open to debate, but everyone is entitled to their own opinions when it comes to movies. It is very likely that comedies will lead the way, because I tend to just lean more towards comedy, than drama, but once again this is my list.

I am only including movies with actors, documentaries are not being included in this which is just a choice I made, although Exit Through the Gift Shop could probably hold its own with some of these movies.

I am sure there are movies that are being left out that I have either not seen, or have just forgotten about right now as I made the bracket. Also movies that I can not currently get on dvd have been removed from the list as well. This group includes Bridesmaids, Super 8, and X-Men First Class.  I did include Harry Potter 7.2 even thought it not on dvd, don't ask me why.

Check the brackets out right here:

This bracket was generated at random and the rankings were not decided by me. I had to trim down the list quite a bit, I wanted to get down to 128, but I thought 132 was close enough. The play-in games will of course be the first ones that I take care of. I should have at least one or 2 of them done by this weekend. Keep checking for updates on this.

Play in Matchups:
Dawn of the Dead Vs. Raging Bull

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Vs. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1--Matchup of the round

Little Miss Sunshine Vs. Gladiator

Zombieland Vs. The Incredibles

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