Tuesday, July 26, 2011

3 Movies I Want to See

Movies that have come out or are coming out pretty soon, that I would like to see:

Cowboys and Aliens:
I think this movie has more than enough potential in its cast alone, Harrison Ford, Daniel Craig, Olivia Wilde, and Sam Rockwell, who is almost always amazing. The subject matter is a combo of science fiction and western, which are both very interesting on their own, but together are definitely intriguing. Very early returns are good according to Rottentomatoes.com with 4 of the 5 reviews being fresh. Jon Favreau has a good track record with the movies that he has directed, I am willing to risk the price of admission on these things.

Super is a movie that has been on limited release for quite a while, and has some decent stars in it including Ellen Page, and Rainn Wilson. It seems like it is not getting great reviews which is not always something I put a ton of weight on. It is supposedly a very graphic movie, with an NC-17 rating, and some pretty gross scenes. I think it is interesting, but it has never been available in the area so I never got around to see it. It seems like a demented version of Kick-Ass from what I can gather.

Attack The Block:
A movie produced by Edgar Wright, and directed by his friend Joe Cornish, attack the block is supposedly a genre tribute to movies like Critters. It is getting very good reviews, but is still only going to be in limited release in the United States. I think this will be the next movie that I champion, and preach the good word of, well as soon as I see it and enjoy it that is.

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