Sunday, July 24, 2011

Diet Log Week #5

This week I really did not do all that much out of the ordinary, just my normal meals. I should have probably walked more or worked out more, but I was in need of a bit of relaxation.

I am still feeling good, and with each week sticking to the diet gets easier and easier. I really do need to start using the workouts that are included within the diet book. I plan on reading them tonight, or maybe tomorrow, and incorporating them as best I can.

I had a nice walk/jog tonight, it was luckily pretty nice out, and I was able to get out there in between the two different storms.

I just think I need to be concise with this diet log, I really don't have anything new to add to this week's log.

This week I lost 4 lbs, and I lost 2.5 total inches.

My running totals are 22.2 lbs lost, and 16 total inches lost.

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