Sunday, July 31, 2011

Diet Log Week #6

So it has been another great week on the diet, and I keep feeling good, and having energy to exercise. The cooking is second nature now, I do feel like mixing in something new every once in a while. I think in the winter I might go with soup and a salad a lot, or just a big bowl of chili, oh how I could go for some chili. I like seeing recipes on TV that I know will fit well into my diet.

I have been working on reducing the ratio of meat to vegetables, trying to get much more of the low calorie vegetables in and less of the meat. I know I need protein, but I don't need a ton of it. I really like veggies too. Where they are roasted or steamed they really help to fill me up while being very low in calories.

I am planning on starting to work with weights a little bit more, my biggest problem is that I would like to be outside as much as possible when exercising, but I don't have the money to buy any sort of weight set right now. I would actually like to buy a kettlebell, as that is one of the pieces of equipment suggested in The 4 Hour Body, it can allow you to work a lot of different muscles at once, but right now with a move on the horizon, buying one is not that feasible, so instead I will go to the gym and do some lifting, even if it is a few times a week it can help me build muscles, which will in turn help burn fat faster, which seems alright in my book. If anyone wants to buy me a Kettlebell I will gladly accept it :) The 30 lb one that I would like is only about $50

I have found myself having more stamina when running, which has helped me push myself to be out there longer. I am usually out running/jogging for at least an hour at a time. I like the fresh air, but I hate the humidity. My main rule is that I am not allowed to stop moving, keep walking forward. The new barrier to my running is that my shins start to get sore after about an hour, so I stop jogging and just keep walking.

My numbers for this week were very good:
Weight loss this week: 4.8 lbs
Inches lost this week: 2.5
Total weight lost: 27 lbs
Total Inches lost: 18.5

My weight loss goal is 172.8 lbs, which is a hefty number. that is more than an average person's weight, but I have crossed my first threshold. I have lost more than 25 lbs, and I am under 400lbs.

I have lost 15.625% of my goal weight loss in 6 weeks, which is pretty amazing. If I were to keep up this pace it would take me 39 weeks to reach my goal weight, but I am imagining it will slow down a little, although if I start adding some muscle the fat should come off faster. We will see how it goes, but I am in this for the long haul, and I am prepared for it to take over a year, this has been way too long in the making.

I would like to thank everyone for the support, it really helps push me to go harder and harder.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

3 Movies I Want to See

Movies that have come out or are coming out pretty soon, that I would like to see:

Cowboys and Aliens:
I think this movie has more than enough potential in its cast alone, Harrison Ford, Daniel Craig, Olivia Wilde, and Sam Rockwell, who is almost always amazing. The subject matter is a combo of science fiction and western, which are both very interesting on their own, but together are definitely intriguing. Very early returns are good according to with 4 of the 5 reviews being fresh. Jon Favreau has a good track record with the movies that he has directed, I am willing to risk the price of admission on these things.

Super is a movie that has been on limited release for quite a while, and has some decent stars in it including Ellen Page, and Rainn Wilson. It seems like it is not getting great reviews which is not always something I put a ton of weight on. It is supposedly a very graphic movie, with an NC-17 rating, and some pretty gross scenes. I think it is interesting, but it has never been available in the area so I never got around to see it. It seems like a demented version of Kick-Ass from what I can gather.

Attack The Block:
A movie produced by Edgar Wright, and directed by his friend Joe Cornish, attack the block is supposedly a genre tribute to movies like Critters. It is getting very good reviews, but is still only going to be in limited release in the United States. I think this will be the next movie that I champion, and preach the good word of, well as soon as I see it and enjoy it that is.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Captain America: The First Avenger

I really liked Captain America. I really thought it was a complex movie, more complex than other Super Hero movies. It is a heartwarming story, but it is also a war movie, and there is enough comic relief in the movie to through the actionless scenes.

I thought Chris Evans had a real breakout performance in this movie. He really embodied the American spirit of the character. I look forward to see what he can do in The Avengers. I think there was some foreshadowing with the tension between Captain America and Howard Stark, I am guessing that is going to continue between Captain America and Tony Stark, but Tony might have tension with everyone in the Avengers.

While on the subject of Howard Stark, I have no doubt that he was based on the eccentric Howard Hughes, I think the character in the movie looked a lot like Howard Hughes, or at least the depiction I saw of him in The Aviator. I also really think that Howard Stark looked and acted a lot like Samm Levine. I could not help but think that throughout the movie, anytime that Howard showed up. If only Samm Levine could grow a mustache.

I have never seen Hayley Atwell in anything before, but I really enjoyed her performance. On top of that she sure has some warheads on her.

The movie opens with some Norwegian being spoken, but then all of the German characters speak English, I was so disappointed. Kevin Bacon spoke German in X-Men: First Class. There was at least one time that a German character switched the v sound for a w sound which gave it a slightly more authentic German feel. I really liked Stanley Tucci's character and he spoke with more of an accent than any of the other German characters. I wish there would have been more of him in the movie, but doctors don't fight in wars do they?

I would rate this movie at about the same level as X-Men First Class. I think it had its own feeling to it. I like how each of the Avengers movies have had their own genre, I think there are actually very few light-hearted war movies out there in general. Well maybe it was more medium-hearted, but still something that is pretty rare. There are some sad moments, but also some moments that are just wonderful. Definitely worth checking out. Stay through the credits to see a preview of The Avengers, it is short and sweet, but it is still something.

I am looking forward to seeing The Avengers, I know there is going to be a lot going on within the film, but I am very curious to see what they will be doing with it. Joss Whedon will hopefully be allowed to use his own vision with all of the characters. Off into the future, I am very curious to see what Edgar Wright will do with Ant-Man, but that is not until 2014 so I will be waiting on that a little while.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Diet Log Week #5

This week I really did not do all that much out of the ordinary, just my normal meals. I should have probably walked more or worked out more, but I was in need of a bit of relaxation.

I am still feeling good, and with each week sticking to the diet gets easier and easier. I really do need to start using the workouts that are included within the diet book. I plan on reading them tonight, or maybe tomorrow, and incorporating them as best I can.

I had a nice walk/jog tonight, it was luckily pretty nice out, and I was able to get out there in between the two different storms.

I just think I need to be concise with this diet log, I really don't have anything new to add to this week's log.

This week I lost 4 lbs, and I lost 2.5 total inches.

My running totals are 22.2 lbs lost, and 16 total inches lost.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2

The final movie in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2 or HP7.2 if you're cool, was a triumphant finale to the series that has lasted what seems like an eternity.

I am honestly at a bit of a loss for words, I have been thinking about what to write about this movie, but I am afraid that I really don't have all that much to say that has not already been said a million times. I still believe that these would have been amazing movies even if they had not come from books, and actually I would imagine that this final movie would have been even more enjoyable if you did not know exactly what was going to happen.

The kids are so grown up now, and they can actually act! I can imagine it would have been a very emotional ending for all of them as well. They will no longer know where their fortunes are coming from, but I doubt any of them will be struggling. I just hope they are not forced into doing these characters in other movies. I think they have great potential.

I guess I will have to hope for a new series of movies and books to come out that can occupy my time for 10 more years going forward, but I imagine that this is a once in a lifetime experience. They will be rewatched frequently by me, and maybe some day I will watch them all in a single day to celebrate their greatness, but it is probably more likely that they will all be watched over the course of a few days, or even a week.

This movie had great action, emotion, there was some great acting, and there was even a bit of humor in order to cut the tension a little. I look forward to watching this movie over and over.

I have one thing I would have changed about the movie though. I think it would have gotten huge laughs. When Luna goes to sit down next to Neville and he is holding the sword, why didn't they have her say, "Can I touch it?" or, "Can I hold it?" Maybe I am the only one who would have loved that, but imagine a bunch of other people would have laughed at it too.

Well those were my incomplete and rambling thoughts on this movie. I really could not come up with anything more than that.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Movie Bracket

I have decided to create a bracket of movies to decide which movie is going to be my "favorite" movie.

I am going to judge the movies based upon the following characteristics:

Originality: I don't particularly like movies that do things just like all of the others, just because something is a sequel, or has source material, does not mean it is not original.

Rewatchability: I prefer movies that I can watch over and over, especially movies where I can notice new things each time I watch them.

Entertainment: This is how I usually quantify if I enjoy a movie, this is the reason that Transformers 2 was a bad movie, it just was not entertaining.

Remember these ratings are my own, and as movie taste goes, it is always subjective. I am always open to debate, but everyone is entitled to their own opinions when it comes to movies. It is very likely that comedies will lead the way, because I tend to just lean more towards comedy, than drama, but once again this is my list.

I am only including movies with actors, documentaries are not being included in this which is just a choice I made, although Exit Through the Gift Shop could probably hold its own with some of these movies.

I am sure there are movies that are being left out that I have either not seen, or have just forgotten about right now as I made the bracket. Also movies that I can not currently get on dvd have been removed from the list as well. This group includes Bridesmaids, Super 8, and X-Men First Class.  I did include Harry Potter 7.2 even thought it not on dvd, don't ask me why.

Check the brackets out right here:

This bracket was generated at random and the rankings were not decided by me. I had to trim down the list quite a bit, I wanted to get down to 128, but I thought 132 was close enough. The play-in games will of course be the first ones that I take care of. I should have at least one or 2 of them done by this weekend. Keep checking for updates on this.

Play in Matchups:
Dawn of the Dead Vs. Raging Bull

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Vs. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1--Matchup of the round

Little Miss Sunshine Vs. Gladiator

Zombieland Vs. The Incredibles

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Diet Log Week #4

For those who might be interested in the diet book I am using:

 It is cheat day again!
I ordered pizza from Papa John's and it was glorious! I had some ice cream, and some cake, and some cookies. Of course i had some chocolate milk, which is like crack, I swear I have withdrawals! I actually didn't eat all of the junk food that I had purchased, I need to maybe bring that level down just a little bit, so I don't waste any of my money on food that I end up not eating.

I actually worked out on my cheat day, I went for a nice walk/jog. It was quite steamy out that evening, so I had to cut it a little short, and I actually came back inside to get some water, before stepping back out. It felt good to get a sweat in, with a better schedule of work I would go walking more often, but after working 10-12 hours in a single day, I am just too tired to do all that much usually. I usually do little things such as squats, or wall presses, which are supposedly very good to help the sugar get burned up faster, or something along those lines. I try to incorporate more and more of the little things mentioned in the book, the next this will be to do some of the workouts he mentions in the book. I am doing a good job of working things in gradually.

I grilled some hamburgers this evening, I am just going to be eating them without buns, and maybe even make them into lettuce wraps. The burgers were very good, along with some steamed broccoli and smashed cauliflower.

I went out to eat with my dad, brother, and cousin. We went to a Mexican restaurant, which I thought would work well with my diet, but not so much for this specific restaurant. I got some food that I could eat, but the portion was really small. I had to stop at a Chipotle on my drive home, which was fine because I had only had 2 meals that day previously. My stomach just felt empty when I was still in Chipotle range. It was very satisfying, but I did realize that Chipotle is not as great without the rice. That rice provides a ton of flavor, where as the rice at Burrachos is not that flavorful, and the other ingredients that they have that are flavorful.

I started eating a few forkfuls of sauerkraut before each meal, which had been mentioned in the book. I felt that I had not been digesting as fast as I should have. I thought adding some sauerkraut could help with that. It will definitely help wake you up in the morning, you can trust me on that!

I had a great walk in the evening, it was still very humid but I did some running and some walking, the only problem was that I could not do it for too long of a time, that humidity just made it feel like I was wearing a suit of sweat, yuck!

I overslept today, but I would guess that extra sleep would benefit me on my diet, so oh well it is not that bad of a problem to have on my one day off.
This week's results:
Weight loss: 7.4 lbs
Lost 1 inch from my waist
Lost 1 inch from each of my thighs
Total inches lost 3

My overall losses:
Weight lost: 18.2lbs
total Inches lost: 13.5
4 inches from my belly
2 inches from my waist
5.5 inches from my thighs
And an inch from each of my biceps

Saturday, July 16, 2011

TV Shows I Love That Are Off The Air

These are some TV shows that I really enjoy, that are no longer on the air. Some were popular when they were on TV, others were not so much. I will also state which ones are available on Netflix Instant. This post is very long, but I did not want to break it up into different posts.

Sports Night: I really think that Sports Night is just criminally underrated. I thought it was awesome when I watched it during its original airing. Its a smart show with great dialogue that was created by Aaron Sorkin, before The West Wing. Its a comedy that has heart and characters in it. It really has very little to do with sports, so don't let that scare you away. The show is now available on Netflix Instant, so you don't really need to make any sort of investment to be able to watch it. Give it a few episodes to grow on your, there are some great story arcs later on in the series.

Arrested Development: I can not say that i watched this show when it was originally on the air, but I did watch it shortly thereafter. The 3 seasons of this show are one of the greatest dvd purchases I have ever made. The show is so rewatchable, with some great characters. A great comedy that really uses the talents of its cast. Jason Bateman, Will Arnett, Michael Cera, Jeffrey Tambor, David Cross, Portia De Rossi, Alia Shawkat, Jessica Walter, and Tony Hale are the most dysfunctional family ever to be on television. Ron Howard might be the best narrator in the history of television as well. Arrested Development is available on Netflix Instant as well.

The Critic: A hidden gem among the many different animated shows that popped up during the 90's. Part of the problem with this show was that it got the wrong lead-in audience. It was originally on ABC airing after Home Improvement, which is not a bad show. I just don't think this smart cartoon set in New York has the same audience as the family show that led into it. I think it then got bounced around to different time slots on Fox the following season before getting canceled. You might remember Jay Sherman, the main character, for his crossover episode of The Simpsons for the Springfield Film Festival. I think the show was too smart for the cartoon format, and it just didn't appeal to the great masses. The movie parodies in it are funny, but of course they are a little dated, since the show stopped airing in 1995. I wish the show was available on Netflix, but as of right now only the dvds are available. Below I have inserted what might be my favorite moment from the show:

The Office(UK)
Whether you have ever watched the American version of the show, you should really give the original a try. The first few episodes of the original series, were replicated in the American version so it should be an easy transition. I think UK version is a bit more out there, some of the topics ended up being toned down for the American version. This series is available on Netflix Instant, I believe there are also 2 specials that they have on Netflix as well.

Another great comedy series from Ricky Gervais, during which he parodies some of the things that he went through on his path before and during The Office. He is able to wrangle some great stars to make appearances on the show. I think that Ricky Gervais is a master of creating awkward situations that also feel very real, in a hard to handle type of way.

I think this show was too smart and too good for its network or its time. It is a space western. Some people tell me they are not interested in watching it, because they don't watch science fiction, but this show transcends a genres all together. It has good laughs, some great characters. Joss Whedon created such a wonderful world, with so many funny tidbits within it. I would like everyone to give this show a try. This show is available on Netflix Instant so please give it a try.

Freaks and Geeks
This show, is another show that was just before its time. This show was really the introduction of Seth Rogen and Jason Segel, into my world at least. It has comedy, but also some real life elements that most people can relate to, it even has some good family scenes in it. I know both my little brother and myself really connected with this show, and its characters. I think Judd Apatow and Paul Feig did a great job with this show. Some people give Apatow all the credit, but Feig was the creator, so how can he at least not be mentioned? I have the show on dvd, I wish it was on Netflix, but it isn't. If you want to borrow the dvds, that might be able to be arranged.

This show was kind of my guilty pleasure. My brother and I discovered it watching a marathon of it on ABC Family one day, and were hooked. It is about the college greek system. I am not sure how accurate the depiction of the greek system is, but it is definitely very entertaining. The characters were able grow a bit through all of the seasons of the show. The show featured the wonderful Clark Duke from time to time, I am sure he was on when his schedule would allow. All of the seasons of this series are available on Netflix Instant.

My Boys
Another guilty pleasure of a series, it is a series about a woman, most of her friends are guys, and she is a sportswriter. Its a comedy, and it is quite funny. Jim Gaffigan players her brother, but was under-utilized. The different characters are all funny, and the show is really entertaining.

This is one of those shows that I have watched through the whole series over and over. It has a great cast of characters, and i be everyone has heard of a lot of the actors that are on it. Stephen Root is awesome as the station's billionaire owner, who just happens to be hanging out a lot. The late Phil Hartman really took this show to another level, it was never quite the same after his passing. This show is available on Netflix Instant, please check it out if you want to see a classic slice of 90's sitcom action.

A show that was doomed from the start. How many shows have been able to get past the fact that they can be found only on the CW? Not too many. It has good comedy, along with the eternal battle between good and evil. Tyler Labine is amazing as Sock. It also has a different adventure in each episode with the main characters trying to, well they have to capture a soul that has escaped from hell, who doesn't do that every week? This show is available on Netflix Instant.

3rd Rock From The Sun
This show is another from they heyday of the sitcom, and also the heyday of NBC, oh how the mighty have fallen. John Lithgow is at his best in this show, he is able to be his outrageous, overacting self, and it is just amazing. I think we watched this show as a family, oh the memories. This show is available on Netflix Instant.

This show was  a show of Judd Apatow's creation, and this show introduced the world to Jay Baruchel, and who doesn't love his charming Canadian-ness? This show is a straightforward comedy, it has no real drama in it like Freaks and Geeks has. It is about college, and life, but is quite entertaining.

Veronica Mars
Veronica Mars is one of the most underrated shows out there, it is a teenage dramedy, that is also a crime mystery. It is a very complex idea that was well executed. I can not claim to be someone who watched the show when it was on the air. I have to thank m little brother for bringing the show to my attention. The show has made a star out of Kristen Bell. Nothing is more fun than a snarky, cute, blonde high schooler right? This show is available on Netflix Instant.

Party Down
The best show on a network that pretty much no one gets. This show has a great cast of outrageous characters. Everyone on this show is just hilarious, and my secret love, Lizzy Caplan is a struggling standup comedian. Who does not want to see entertaining exploits of an hilarious party catering company? This show is available on Netflix Instant. Starz took it down when they canceled it, but the uproar on Twitter and all over the internet has won and both seasons are not available.

Friday Night Lights
Well just earlier today I watched the last episode of the series, so it is now technically over. This show is a family and sports drama. The scenes are just so emotionally charged. I am pretty sure that this is the only show to ever make me tear up at all, and it his done so on a regular basis, as well as giving me goosebumps frequently. Kyle Chandler and Connie Britton might just be the best parents on television. They have both finally been nominated for Emmy's this year, as well as a bunch of others for the show. I was late to the party on this show, but I will most likely be watching it again some time. The first 4 seasons are available on Nettflix Instant, I would guess that the 5th season will be on there eventually. This show is really worth checking out whether you are a sports fan or not.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Diet Log Week #3

My cheat day! I did a no-no for the diet, and I did not eat within an hour of waking up. I maybe have still been full of the carrots I ate the night before. For lunch I went out to Olive Garden, with a friend. I had the chicken and shrimp carbonara, I was a little disappointed that they didn't have the never ending pasta bowl. I did enjoy the pasta and the breadsticks, and some slightly sweetened peach iced tea. It was very good. I had not had pasta in quite a while.

I had some chocolate donut holes for dessert, and spent a lot of the afternoon just hanging out, not doing too much. For dinner I went to Sonic got a bacon double cheeseburger, onion rings, and a strawberry creamslush. The burger and the creamslush were amazing. The onion rings were disappointing, they were too darn heavy. I was thinking sonic had good onion rings, but I would have been much better off with fries or tator tots.

While watching some movies with a friend, I had some candy. I really was craving some milk duds, and I also had an almond toffee symphony bar, possibly my favorite candy bar. That was kind of my third meal. I had some root beer milk, but it was a disappointment, so I just dumped most of it out.

I have been using refried beans with my breakfast, they are much easier to eat than black beans, and i think the kind of go well with eggs too. I have about 1/3 of a can of refried beans with a handful of baby carrots and my 3 fried eggs. It has been working well so far, so I have not changed it.

For lunch I had what was left of my carnitas. I had been kind of sick of it, so I put the last of it off as long as I could. It got tired pretty fast, but I will try other slow cooked meats in the future. They work well with the diet.

For dinner I decided I would fire up the grill, and cook some meats that I had. I had some marinated chicken breasts, some pork chops, and a few steaks, all of which I had in the freezer, so I thawed them out overnight and all I did was put a little bit of grill seasoning on the steaks and pork chops. I left the chops on the grill and hoped that I could smoke them under the grill, they taste great, but did not get to be too smoky.

I made some smashed cauliflower and steamed some broccoli for my vegetables. I think the chicken will go more towards salads than being eaten with the veggies, having a salad once in a while gives my diet a good variety.

I had my usual breakfast, and also what I have been getting every Tuesday for lunch. A no rice double bean burrito bowl from Burrachos. It is really the only low carb option near the office, and I really just like it. I think maybe a chipotle burrito bowl would be better, but I guess I can't really complain can I?

I have been wondering why I have been up a few lbs all week, and I realized that my bathroom scale must have been on the bathroom mat just a tiny bit last week when i weighed myself, and that made it weigh me about 7 lbs or so light. I tested this over and over and as it turns out I may have only lost 5 lbs last week, which is still huge, the 12 seemed a bit ridiculous. I am going to figure out the amount that it was off by, and adjust my number accordingly.

So I can't get the number to be consistent at all, I am just going to scrap the weigh in from last week, I am cumulatively down 10 lbs right now though, and I will be more careful about the scale, I may just have to do it in the kitchen for the time being as well.

This makes everything make a bit more sense, I am not deterred. I actually went for the longest run/walk ever. It was an hour and 20 minutes in the sweaty humidity. I really was not tired when I came home, I was just too thirsty to go on, and I was getting really warm out there. It is something I need to do more often. I just wish my work schedule was not so rough this week. I work 4 late nights this week, and I have to wrok the next morning at my other job the morning after 3 times.

My official weigh in has me down 10.8 lbs total.

I lost 7 inches total this week, including 3 from my belly alone. I knew my clothes felt looser on me this week!
These numbers only have me more encouraged to keep up the good work.

I have lost 10.8 lbs total.
I have lost 10.5 inches total.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Diet Log Week #2

This past weekend I went to see my mom and it really challenged me a bit in regards to my diet. We went out to eat the first night down there, and I had to be a nitpicky kind of guy getting baked fish with corn, and I asked for a side of refried beans as well so that I could be filled up at the end of the meal. I would have much rather had some or the fried fish or fried shrimp that the rest of the family had, but I had to stay strong. The restaurant even had free dessert with the meal, but luckily I was able to get that to go, and enjoyed it on Saturday which was my cheat day.

On Saturday I got to have pancakes for breakfast, that my mother had made. It was great to have those carbs in my system again, even if they did not stay in my system for that long. For lunch at the zoo I had a bad cheeseburger and fries. They were ok, I think there were not greasy enough to be satisfying. I was hungry not that long after lunch because of all of the watching that we were doing, and the lack of fiber in my system. This would be something that occurred regularly throughout the day.

We stopped at Mcdonalds on the way back to my mom's house and had some ice cream, which was very refreshing. We stopped at the grocery store for some fixins for dinner. We had ribs and chicken with some different vegetables for dinner, not too much of a guilty pleasure of a meal, but it was good. I had like 3 or 4 desserts that night, because I was just hungry the whole rest of the night, it was not good. I had ice cream with   some of my mom's home made rhubarb and strawberry sauce on it, which was great. a few hours later I had some microwaved smores, the bonfire they had was not that enjoyable due to the huge flock of mosquitoes that attacked us. Later that night, I made myself another sundae with strawberries and a banana and chocolate syrup. It was awesome, but still didn't fill me up. I decided that was all I should have because another dessert would have just been excessive.

On Sunday we had some eggs and I had a few strips of bacon, along with some corn and black beans. Which was somewhat tasty, but more importantly it was filling. For lunch before my brother and I headed back to Eau Claire we went to lunch at a diner near the interstate. The menu looked awesome, but of course I had to make a smart selection from the menu so I could stick with this diet. I had a chef's salad, with ham and turkey on it, there was a lot of cheese on it so I avoided eating quite a bit of the cheese that was on the salad, and just left it.

On Tuesday, I made some slow roasted pork in the slow cooker, it turned out great, and the pork was even on sale, so it was not expensive at all to make. I also made some roasted vegetable, corn and black bean salsa to enjoy with the pork. I had it with some sour cream, and a little bit of cheese. It was very good, and I have been having it once a day, and I still have lots of leftovers to go.

Wednesday was one of the hardest days I have had on the diet, so far. We had a picnic at work, and I could not eat all that much of what we had. I would have loved to eat some extra burgers or something like that, but with 12 people having confirmed they would be attending the picnic, I made 20 burgers, thinking there would be plenty of leftovers. Turns out 25 people showed up, and because I was grilling, I was lucky to get even half of a burgers. There were so many desserts that I would have loved to eat, but I just was able to resist them. I really should have used my cheat day then, but I chose not to. Sunday will be my cheat day, but I do not know what I will be having yet. We will have to wait and see. Pizza is always a possibility.

This was my official weigh in and measurement day. I plan to do that every morning on my cheat days. My losses this week are:
12.4 lbs--which may be a bit exaggerated
3.5 inches

I have lost those 3.5 inches from my biceps, thighs, belly and hips. I was quite satisfied with my losses, my clothes still feel much looser than they had in the past.

My weight loss may have been exaggerated by a few factors. I weighed myself originally the day after my cheat day, when I would have been extra bloated with water after having all of those carbs on my cheat day. I may have been able to burn extra calories while melting away in the heat this past week. I don't expect to lose 12 lbs a week. more in the 5-7 range for now.

I created a spreadsheet to help with the tracking of my losses each time around. I had been keeping them in a notebook, but I would rather have them in a digital format. After this week I will post my week's total, and then the running total for all of those categories.